Cruise Dialysis

Onboard Dialysis

A cruise can be a great escape. Take in the vast ocean or river views, lay out by the pool or participate in the many activities a cruise has to offer.

For individuals who require dialysis, cruises offering haemodialysis onboard ensure you can enjoy a relaxing cruise with your loved ones regardless of your medical condition.

This is a fantastic way for dialysis patients to visit some of the most beautiful and exotic destinations in the world and experience the luxurious splendour of some of the seas’ most Dialysis Nursecelebrated cruise ships.

The dialysis unit onboard a cruise ship has all of the essentials you are familiar with – experienced, fully trained medical professionals including a Nephrologist, Nurses, beds, dialysis machines and a cup of tea!

When you are at home, dialysis usually takes the form of making your way to hospital, either by your own car or hospital transport, dialysing and then making your way home again.  This whole process can be exhausting, three times a week, so isn’t it time you experienced dialysis in a convenient, new, and exciting place where no travel is required to the dialysis unit?

Dialysis onboard a cruise ship is so easy.  It’s a quick walk to the dialysis unit and then as soon as your dialysis has finished, you are back on holiday, free to enjoy the wonderful facilities your cruise ship has to offer or to take a shore excursion to somewhere you have always wanted to visit.

On most ships dialysis is arranged around the ports of call as far as possible leaving you time to explore or just enjoying your time relaxing onboard.

The staffing ratios exceed any land-based units with one Registered Nurse to two patients and personalised visits from the onboard Nephrologist during every dialysis session.

A wide variety of food is available almost anytime on cruise ships.  Keep your kidney diet in mind while cruising.  Ask the servers onboard about different meal options, such as vegetarian dishes or what types of protein-enriched foods they offer.

Book and travel in confidence – in the hands of experienced, fully trained medical professionals.  To ensure optimum comfort, the on-board dialysis treatment is designed to mirror your land-based unit. Your requirements are always taken into consideration and strictly adhered to.

Each ship takes between only 4 and 12 patients per cruise therefore we suggest booking as early as possible, to avoid disappointment.

For each cruise there is a dedicated dialysis unit onboard each ship where your dialysis treatments will take place.  You will be cared for from the beginning to the end of your cruise by a qualified Nephrologist and nurses who will be on board for the duration of your cruise.

Before you go on your cruise we will obtain information from your dialysis unit so we know all about your dialysis treatment requirements.

The dedicated dialysis team will look after you during your cruise and can be contacted 24 hours per day.

Payment & Reimbursement for Dialysis Sessions

For Patients Dialysing in the UK or Wales : We are very pleased to announce that following a meeting between NHS England, the BKPA and Lisa Parnell of Cruise Dialysis, NHS England has chosen to exercise its discretionary rights to partially reimburse the cost of healthcare onboard cruise ships subject to certain conditions:-

If the majority of ports visited during your cruise are within the European Economic Area (EEA) (or a country with which the NHS has formal healthcare agreements, ie, those covered under Article 56 or those countries with which England has bilateral agreements) then you will be reimbursed the amount of the National Tariff.

We understand the amount of the reimbursement is around £150 – £170 per dialysis session however your dialysis unit will be able to confirm the exact amount.  For patients dialysing in Wales please ask your Holiday Co-ordinator to contact WHSSC.

For Patients Dialysing in Scotland : Your dialysis unit may meet the cost of your dialysis sessions, please check with your Holiday Dialysis Co-ordinator.

For Patients Dialysing in Northern Ireland : Patients will be reimbursed up to the equivalent cost of their dialysis in their ‘home’ unit.

For Patients Dialysing in Southern Ireland : Please check with your Holiday Dialysis Co-ordinator or your private medical insurance.

For Overseas Residents : Please check with your Dialysis Unit.

Please note dialysis places onboard are limited to a maximum of 8-12 patients therefore if you do wish to make a booking please contact us at your earliest convenience.

Cost of Dialysis Sessions

The cost of the dialysis for each cruise is shown within the cruise itinerary.  Please note the cost does vary between ships.


Patients on a low income may apply to Kidney Care UK for a grant of up to £750 towards the cost of a short cruise.  Grants are subject to an application criteria and cannot be guaranteed.  When completing the grant application form you will be asked to give details about your financial circumstances. 

For more information visit the Kidney Care UK website ( or contact a member of your kidney care team.  If the staff in your dialysis unit are unable to help, please contact Kidney Care UK on 01420 541424 or email

Please note that if a grant is agreed Kidney Care UK will contribute towards the cost of your cruise, but not the cost of dialysis onboard.  Please ensure you apply for your grant before your final balance due date as grants can only be paid against an outstanding balance.